Plot: Set within a year after the events of Batman Begins (2005), Batman, Lieutenant James Gordon, and new District Attorney Harvey Dent successfully begin to round up the criminals that plague Gotham City, until a mysterious and sadistic criminal mastermind known only as “The Joker” appears in Gotham, creating a new wave of chaos. Batman’s struggle against The Joker becomes deeply personal, forcing him to “confront everything he believes” and improve his technology to stop him. A love triangle develops between Bruce Wayne, Dent, and Rachel Dawes.

Won 2 Oscars 159 wins & 163 nominations total See more awards »

Genre: Action | Crime | Drama

IMDB Rating Live: The Dark Knight on IMDb9.0/102,819,790 votes

Links: iMDB | Trailer

The Dark Knight 2008 2160p 4K BluRay x265 10bit AAC5.1-YTS
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The Dark Knight 2008 1080p BluRay.x265-RARBG
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