Set against the backdrop of The Vertical City of Hong Kong, The Expatriates is a drama series that will explore the vibrant lives of a close-knit expatriate community: where affluence is celebrated, friendships are intense but knowingly temporary, and personal lives, deaths and marriages are played out publicly — then retold with glee.

Season 01, Episode 01 – “The Peak”
Three expat women living in Hong Kong cross paths at a birthday party where it becomes evident they share a mysterious connection from their past.


Expats S01E01 1080p WEB HEVC x265-MaxRls
580 MB
Download: FikPerRAPiDGATORNiTROFLAREMegaUpFileupload

Expats S01E01 720p WEB HEVC x265-MaxRls
244 MB
Download: FikPerRAPiDGATOR NiTROFLAREMegaUpFileupload

Expats S01E01 1080p WEB H264-SuccessfulCrab
3 GB
Download: FikPerRAPiDGATORNiTROFLAREFileupload

Season 01, Episode 02 – “Mongkok”
One year earlier, Margaret and Mercy meet at an extravagant yacht party forging an unlikely connection, as Hilary wrestles with whether she wants to start a family. An incident occurs that will forever change the course of all our characters’ lives.

Expats S01E02 1080p WEB HEVC x265-MaxRls
580 MB
Download: FikPerRAPiDGATORNiTROFLAREMegaUpFileupload

Expats S01E02 720p WEB HEVC x265-MaxRls
244 MB
Download: FikPerRAPiDGATORNiTROFLAREMegaUpFileupload

Expats S01E02 1080p WEB H264-SuccessfulCrab
3 GB
Download: FikPerRAPiDGATORNiTROFLAREFileupload