In this comedic prequel event series to the Ted films, it’s 1993, and Ted the bear’s moment of fame has passed. He’s now living back home in Framingham, Massachusetts with his best friend, 16-year-old John Bennett, along with John’s parents, Matty and Susan and cousin Blaire. Ted may be a lousy influence on John, but at the end of the day, he’s a loyal pal who’s always willing to go out on a limb for friendship.


Ted S01 COMPLETE 1080p 10bit PCOK WEBRip 6CH x265 HEVC-PSA
( 4 GB)
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Ted 2024 S01E01-E07 720p PCOK WEBRip x264-GalaxyTV
2 GB
Download: FikPerRAPiDGATORNiTROFLAREMegaUpFileupload