Plot: The true story of Desmond Doss, the conscientious objector who, at the Battle of Okinawa, won the Medal of Honor for his incredible bravery and regard for his fellow soldiers. We see his upbringing and how this shaped his views, especially his religious view and anti-killing stance. We see Doss’s trials and tribulations after enlisting in the US Army and trying to become a medic. Finally, we see the hell on Earth that was Hacksaw Ridge.

Top Rated Movies #160 Won 2 Oscars. Another 37 wins & 95 nominations. See more awards »

Genre: Drama | History | War

IMDB Rating: Surprised by Oxford on IMDb8.2From 267,439 Users

Starring: Andrew Garfield, Sam Worthington, Luke Bracey

Links: iMDB | Trailer 

Hacksaw Ridge 2016 2160p 4K BluRay x265 10bit AAC5.1-YTS
( 6 GB )

Hacksaw Ridge 2016 1080p BluRay x265-RARBG
( 2 GB )