Plot: A 74-year-old lizard named Leo and his turtle friend decide to escape from the terrarium of a Florida school classroom where they have been living for decades.

Genre: Animation | Comedy | Family

IMDB Rating Live: Leo on IMDb8.3/10101 votes

Links: iMDB | Trailer

Leo (2023) 1080p 10bit WEBRip 6CH HEVC x265-PSA
1.3 GB
Download: RAPiDGATORFikPerNiTROFLAREMegaUpFileupload

Leo (2023) 720p10bit WEBRip 6CH HEVC x265-PSA
[ 700 MB ]
Download: RAPiDGATORFikPerNiTROFLAREMegaUpFileupload

Leo 2023 1080p WEB H264-EDITH
4 GB
Download: RAPiDGATORFikPerNiTROFLARE –  Fileupload