Set in mythical ancient Greece, Krapopolis is centered on a flawed family of humans, gods and monsters that tries to run one of the world’s first cities without killing each other.
Season 1, Episode 01 – “All Hail The Goddess Of Likeability”
Asskill threatens to attack Krapopolis, Tyrannis tries to use diplomacy to stop him. Deliria decides to build a temple to herself. Stupendous and Hippocampus give a trojan horse to the Asskillians. Then, Tyrannis hosts other kings for a series of games in Krapopolis where Stupendous shines. Deliria makes the games about herself. Hippocampus and Schlub track and catch the cities first serial killer.
Krapopolis S01E01 1080p WEB HEVC x265-MaxRls
221 MB
Download: RAPiDGATOR – DROPAPK – NiTROFLARE – MegaUp – Fileupload
Krapopolis S01E01 720p WEB HEVC x265-MaxRls
125 MB
Download: RAPiDGATOR – DROPAPK – NiTROFLARE – MegaUp – Fileupload
Krapopolis S01E01 1080p WEB h264-BAE
637 MB
Download: RAPiDGATOR – DROPAPK – NiTROFLARE – MegaUp – Fileupload